This Mackay, Idaho, blog is written by John Parsons, Idaho Falls. It is a blog to help Parsons organize his Mackay stories and resources. The blog is not affiliated with any official or unofficial Mackay entity or entities. Parsons is solely responsible for the contents of this blog. All photos are either taken by Parsons or believed to be in public domain. Comments may be sent to Click here for more info.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mt. McCaleb

If Mine Hill is Mackay's Catherdral, then Mt. McCaleb is Mackay's Patron Saint!  McCaleb is firmly rooted in the psyche of all Mackay Natives and also works its mesmerizing magic on new residents and visitors as well.

There's that "special something" about Mighty Mt. McCaleb that reaches out and grabs you.  McCaleb is far from being the tallest Idaho Peak.  Other peaks loom larger in the Lost River Range.  Maybe it's McCaleb's geometry.  Maybe it's the way the light catches the tip of the peak as it towers over Mackay and the Big Lost River Valley.  Maybe it's the way you first see McCaleb when you head up US Highway  93 north of Arco.

Whatever it is, McCaleb's got it!  Many Mackayites have climbed McCaleb many a time.  Some have  climbed it too many times to remember.  Some have climbed it every year for most of their life.  Some only wish they could climb it.  But most just love gazing at McCaleb, somehow feeling more alive just because McCaleb exists.

We aren't going to go on and on any more about McCaleb.  We do recommend that you read each and every story behind the links here.  Your going to find some interesting reports of how people scale McCaleb's summit.

Someday, it would be fun to put together a video of people stating their affection for and experiences with Mighty McCaleb.  But for now, here's some stories to keep you entertained.

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