This Mackay, Idaho, blog is written by John Parsons, Idaho Falls. It is a blog to help Parsons organize his Mackay stories and resources. The blog is not affiliated with any official or unofficial Mackay entity or entities. Parsons is solely responsible for the contents of this blog. All photos are either taken by Parsons or believed to be in public domain. Comments may be sent to Click here for more info.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Mackay Mine Hill

If Mackay had a cathedral, it would be Mackay Mine Hill.

Trust me, NOTHING in Mackay's history can possibly compare to the rich tapestry of Mine Hill.

The City of Mackay owes its existence to a rather weird, unique and somewhat geologically bizarre copper deposit perched precariously high above The Big Lost River Valley.  We have read extensively about this strange bit of localized mineralization in The White Knob.   The extraction of ore from the area met with mixed economic success. One of our favorite quotes about the principal property on Mine Hill is: "The succession of White Knob companies which owned this property during the next five years is notorious in the annals of mining, each being a drain on the investing public and a failure more disastrous than the one preceding it."

Many thanks are due to the many people who rallied up in 1999 to begin efforts to preserve Mine Hill.  Their diligence and dedication have produced a last legacy.

Here is a Classic Vimeo video dedicated to Judy that will help you understand the mythic lure of Mackay Mine Hill.  It's about five minutes and well worth watching.  Besides, it's dedicated to Judy!

Copyright 2009  by Roger Plothow, All Rights Reserved.

Meanwhile, Eastern Idaho Flâneur Emeritus created a wonderful blog post on Mine Hill.  Here 'tis:

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